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Donate to Community Music Victoria now! Donations are tax deductible.

Community Music Victoria Inc is listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status.   All donations of $2 and over to CMVic are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for your records. CMVic is also registered as a charity with the ACNC. Click the Registered Charity Tick on the left, to view our listing.

Community Music Victoria is in an exciting phase, and we are busy doing what we do best: developing, implementing and delivering a rich program of music making opportunities and projects which are open to everyone.  

By making a generous donation you will be helping us reach and engage with more participants across a broad spectrum of fully participatory singing and instrumental opportunities and get more Victorians making music together.

Every gift makes a difference, helping to bring more music, more singing and more joy to Victorian communities. We'll make every cent of your donation count!

  • Your gift of $15 could help bring a volunteer to CMVic HQ, enabling them to spend a day updating our gorgeous website with heaps of useful musical resources for singers, musicians and leaders across Victoria to use and enjoy
  • Your gift of $55 could provide a full hour of expert advice, support or publicity to an emerging singing or instrumental group helping them grow and develop
  • Your gift of $110 could provide a subsidised youth place, either at Music Camp (see Grantville), or the CMVic Singing Camp helping an emerging leader participate in music making or singing in a warm and supportive environment
  • Your gift of $550 could help us put on a new workshop at one of our events.
  • A gift of $1,000 could help support the production of our next songbook, enabling singing leaders bring new songs to life for choirs across Victoria.
  • Any smaller donation would help support the work we do with the hundreds of music groups and leaders throughout Victoria. 


Join the CMVic monthly giving circle here:


...or set up a regular transfer from your account to: Community Music Victoria Donations A/C; BSB: 063-011; A/C 10297123 - and send us an email to to let us know and to ensure you get your annual tax certificate.

Community Music Victoria is an independent, not-for-profit, membership based organisation which relies on a mix of Government funding, membership fees, sponsorship and your donation to exist. Your support is fundamental to the future of CMVic and to our broadening the take up of community music making in Victoria. Through your efforts, over the last couple of years we’ve been able to:

  • Create hundreds of new songs and tunes to share with our communities at over a dozen major festivals and events
  • Provide mentoring support all over Victoria to over 30 new singing and playing groups with unique benefits for communities, including the stroke support group in Geelong, and the Singlish project in Brimbank which supports the learning of English as a second language
  • Involve a growing number of young people in the making of music for the first time; youth led workshops at our numerous residential camps are creating a whole new participation and leadership culture
  • Support our growing network of hundreds of singing and playing leaders by putting on events where skills and materials are freely shared

To see all of the amazing things your support has helped us achieve, read our latest annual report here.


Become a sponsor or major donor - choose a project to support

If you would like to talk about supporting one of our great projects, contact our Fundraising Coordinator, John Howard, or 0430 120 436.


Make a bequest in your will

Bequests allow Community Music Victoria to continue working towards our vision for all Victorians to have access to participatory music making opportunities. Your legacy will make a huge difference in ensuring that more and more people in Victoria experience the joys and health benefits of music making well into the future. 

There are several types of bequest you can make in your will:

  • Specific bequest – a specific sum of money, or a nominated asset
  • A percentage – a nominated percentage of your Estate
  • Residual – what remains of your Estate after all debts have been paid and other gifts distributed

If you intend to make a bequest to CMVic we'd love for you to get in touch with us. By informing us of your plans you will be assisting us with future planning and provide us with the opportunity to thank you personally. If you have not yet made a will we suggest you seek advice from a solicitor.

For more information, please contact our Fundraising Coordinator, John Howard, or 0430 120 436.

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